Deworming Your Cat: Everything You Need to Know

The idea of your pet suffering from worm infestation is unpleasant, but many cats will get worms at some point. Fortunately, deworming is a simple treatment that can rid your cat of worms and help them to stay healthy and happy. Here’s what you need to know about worms and deworming.

Why is Deworming Important? Are Worms Dangerous?

Most types of worms live in your cat’s intestines, where they feed off of nutrients from food. In some cases, they also feed on your cat’s blood. The worm eggs are passed through the cat’s fecal matter.

If your cat only has a small number of worms, you may not notice any ill effects. But large worm populations can prevent your pet from absorbing nutrients properly. You may notice your cat losing weight and becoming lethargic, and their coat may be dull. Vomiting, diarrhea, and a distended belly can also occur.

In some cases, the worm population becomes so large that it causes an intestinal blockage. Large numbers of worms can cause serious illness and even death, especially in kittens.

How Do Cats Get Worms?

Cats who spend time outdoors are at higher risk, but any cat can get worms. Here are some of the most common ways a worm infestation starts:

  • Ingesting fleas infected with worm larvae while grooming themselves
  • Stepping in infected feces (outside or in litter boxes) and then ingesting worm eggs while grooming
  • Eating birds, voles, or other wild animals infested with worms

Regularly disinfecting litter boxes and cages can help reduce your cat’s risk of worms. But in most cases, prophylactic deworming is also wise.

How Often Should Your Cat Be Dewormed?

If your cat regularly spends time outdoors, it’s a good idea to give them deworming medication each year. This can help to eliminate any worms or eggs before they develop into a major infestation.

Cats (even if they’re indoor cats) should also receive an annual parasite screening. The screening will identify specific parasites so your cat can get specialized treatment if needed.

Let Us Help You Keep Your Cat Healthy!

Looking for a veterinarian in the Vancouver area? At Feline Medical Clinic, we exclusively treat cats. We were one of the nation’s first feline-specific veterinary clinics!

Our veterinarians are committed to the health and welfare of cats, and we offer a large range of services to support holistic health. Contact us to schedule an appointment today.