How to Keep Outdoor Cats Parasite and Pest-Free

Outdoor cats enjoy a life of freedom and endless playtime, whether they’re lounging in the sun or strolling around the yard.

Though many cats are perfectly happy and healthy spending their time outdoors, your cat faces a few critical risks when exposed to the elements for extended periods. One of these potential risks is outdoor parasites, which can negatively affect your cat’s health.

What Kinds of Parasites Could My Outdoor Cat Face?

Some of the most common parasites affecting outdoor cats are fleas, worms, and ticks. Though these parasites may differ in how they affect your pet’s health and whether they can spread to humans, they all have one goal: to use your cat as their source of sustenance.

Ways to Prevent Parasite Infestations for Your Cat

You love your outdoor cat and don’t want it to pick up any disgusting parasites that might cause it harm. These parasites can cause significant damage to your cat’s health over time, not to mention decreasing their quality of life in the short term with unpleasant symptoms.

Let’s look at a few of the most proactive ways to prevent a nasty parasite from taking up residence in your outdoor cat’s system.

Use Preventative Medication

Though medication designed to prevent parasite infestation is common among dog owners, many cat owners don’t prioritize these protections.

However, preventative medications like tick and flea repellants, heartworm prevention, and dewormers could keep your cat healthy and help them avoid the pesky parasites lurking in your backyard.

Watch for Shifts in Behavior

Cats can be very private when it comes to their health problems. However, if your cat is truly struggling with pain or discomfort, you’ll be able to see it reflected in their behavior.

Some of the most common symptoms to look out for include appetite changes, diarrhea, weight fluctuations, vomiting, and even changes in coat appearance.

Never Miss a Checkup

Though you may notice the signs of a potential parasite infestation in your outdoor cat, your vet will be able to determine the true cause of your pet’s health issues and recommend ways to treat the problems.

That’s why it’s so important to never skip your cat’s regular physical exam. Contact a vet immediately if you have any concerns.

Keep Your Cat Happy and Healthy at Feline Medical Clinic

Need a wellness check for your pet? Contact us today to schedule your appointment.