How to Keep Cats Cool on Hot Summer Days

Summer is a time for outdoor fun, relaxation, and maybe even a vacation. Cats enjoy playing in the sunny weather too, but summer also has its hazards — when the weather gets too hot, your pet can overheat or even suffer from heatstroke.

To make sure your cat stays safe and happy this summer, take precautions to keep them cool. Here are a few useful tips.

Keep Your Cat Hydrated

On hot days, your cat needs extra water, just like you do! To make sure your feline friend has ample opportunity to drink water, put out multiple water bowls both inside and outside. Refresh the water frequently. You can even put a few ice cubes in the outdoor bowl to keep them cooler for longer.

Some cats aren’t eager to drink water even when they need it. If that describes your cat, try offering running water with a water fountain bowl. And if that doesn’t work, you can always mix a little water in with their dry food!

Make Sure Cooler Areas Are Available

If your cat prefers to lounge around indoors with the AC on, this may not be a concern. But if your cat likes to roam outside, it’s important to make sure that they have a way to take shelter from the heat and sun. At the very least, outdoor cats should have access to cooler, shady areas. If you can, offer them a chance to come inside during the hottest part of the day.

Keep Your Cat Well-Groomed

Your cat’s coat keeps them warm in cooler weather. But in many cases, their fur traps a little too much heat in the summer months. By taking good care of their coat, you can keep your cat as comfortable as possible.

Make sure to regularly brush your furry friend to get rid of any mats — matted fur keeps heat trapped. If you have a longhaired cat, you might consider clipping their hair in the warmer months to help them stay cool.

Keep Your Cat Healthy with Feline Medical Clinic!

At Feline Medical Clinic, we only treat cats. This means that our veterinarians are uniquely attuned to your feline’s health needs. We’re proud to offer comprehensive care from diagnostic testing to acupuncture to spaying and neutering. If you’re looking for state-of-the-art veterinary care in the Vancouver area, contact us to make an appointment today!