How Do Cats Show that They’re Sick?

How Do Cats Show that They're Sick?

Cats are considered to be inscrutable for good reason—it’s hard to know what they are thinking sometimes! Because you love your cat and want what’s best for it, you provide the best care you can, including scheduling an annual wellness exam.  

But in between exams, how do you know if your feline friend is feeling sick? It isn’t always obvious.

However, if you know what to look for, you can recognize signs that your cat may be feeling unwell and schedule an appointment with the Feline Medical Clinic. 

We specialize in feline care and will make a special effort to cause your cat as little discomfort or anxiety as possible with our low-stress handling techniques. Being sick and having to visit the vet is tricky enough. We want to make the experience as pleasant as possible for you and your kitty.

What Signs Should I Look For?

Some signs of cat illness are obvious, such as vomiting or diarrhea. However, other signs aren’t so obvious. 

To tell whether your cat is ill, look for changes in your cat’s overall:

  • Energy levels
  • Sociability
  • Appearance
  • Appetite
  • Breathing
  • Thirst

In a sick cat, you may also see discharge around the eyes and from the nose. 

How Are Your Cat’s Energy Levels?

When your cat isn’t feeling well, it may become listless and not be as energetic as usual. Some sick cats become lethargic. 

Is Your Cat Still Sociable?

If your cat isn’t as friendly or outgoing as usual and seeks to be alone, it could be a sign of illness. 

Has Your Cat’s Appearance Changed?

A sick cat’s coat loses its gloss, looks dull, or suddenly begins to shed a lot. 

How Is Your Cat’s Appetite?

When it’s feeling sick, your cat may have a decreased appetite or not eat. However, in senior cats, sometimes, overeating is also a sign of illness. 

Are There Changes in Your Cat’s Breathing?

Sick cats may have trouble breathing or take rapid, shallow breaths. Watch for snuffling or excessive sneezing, which can also be signs of illness.  

Is Your Cat Unusually Thirsty or Avoiding Water?

A sick cat may drink a lot of water or barely any, depending on the illness.

Let Us Help 

If your cat is sick, or you think it’s a possibility, it’s better to be safe than sorry! Contact the Feline Medical Clinic for an appointment or fill out our sick cat questionnaire. We’ll evaluate your cat and prescribe treatment to get your furry friend back to normal!