First-Time Cat Owner? Here’s What You Need to Know

Being a cat owner can be so rewarding, and the first few weeks of having your cat at home is a special time that will help to form your bond and build trust. Surely, adopting a pet for the first time is exciting for many reasons.

If you’re starting the process of adopting a cat or about to bring your furry friend home for the first time, you may be wondering if you’re taking all the right steps. Here are the most important things to keep in mind as you’re bringing home your new cat.

As a Cat Owner, You’ll Need a Dependable Vet

After your cat has become acquainted with their new home, the next location they visit should be the office of a trusted veterinarian in your area. Clinics that are dedicated to feline care in particular tend to be the best choice.

Having a baseline understanding of your cat’s health status is crucial. This way, your vet will be able to notice small health changes over time more easily.

Only Buy High-Quality Food and Treats

As a new cat owner, you only want the best for your pet. This includes choosing cat food brands and treats that are made with pure ingredients.

In many cases, the facility where you adopted your pet will be able to tell you whether your cat prefers wet food, dry food, or a mixture of both. They may even have a recommendation about cat food brands. Just make sure that you aren’t feeding your cat any human foods, as they could cause digestive issues or even be toxic to your pet.

Set Up a Scratching Post

Did you know that cats are practicing self-care when they scratch objects? Your cat needs to scratch in order to remove the dead top layer on their claws. Save your furniture by investing in a scratching pad or post for your cat.

Being a Cat Owner Requires Spending Plenty of Time Socializing

The amount of social time you spend with your cat in the first few weeks will have a big impact on your relationship going forward. Make sure to play with your cat often. If you have guests over, encourage them to play with your pet, too, so your cat gets adjusted to strangers.

Schedule Regular Checkups with Feline Medical Clinic

The key to great health for your cat is regular trips to the vet. As the only feline-exclusive veterinary hospital in Vancouver, WA, Feline Medical Clinic has provided friendly and comfortable care for cats since 1977. Contact us today to set up your next appointment.